The 10K distance has been available from race one. Around 1000 runners take part in this distance every year.
The course
The 10K course starts just outside the Laugardalshöll sports hall in Laugardalur. Runners will make their way out of the beautiful valley Laugardalur following its streets. Then participants run through a deep-rooted residential area before entering Elliðaárdalur. Elliðaárdalur valley is one of Reykjavik's most popular outdoor areas. Through the valley runs the famous salmon river Elliðaár which the valley is named after, and runners will run alongside. Although participants start the race on the streets the course mainly follows paths. The 10 km course is demanding, hilly and steep from km 3 to 5.
The course is measured by certified AIMS measurer.
Click here to view a map of the course.
Refreshment stations
In the Suzuki Midnight Run, there are a total of four refreshment stations, located approximately every 5 km. Gatorade and water will be available at all stations.
There are two refreshment stations on the 10 km race route. The first station is located near the dam in Elliðaárdalur, approximately 5 km into the race. This station serves participants in both the half marathon and the 10 km race. Finally, there is a refreshment station at the finish line, where participants of all distances can quench their thirst.
See further location of the refreshment stations on the race maps.
The 10K race is intended for people that have reached the age of 12 and is not expected that children under that age participate.
Participants in the Suzuki Midnight Sun Run can use the bathrooms at Laugardalshöll sports hall during number pickup. Temporary toilets are also available at the finish area behind the Ice-skating Rink, in Elliðaárdalur Valley by the dam (after about 5K).
Do you need more information about the Suzuki Midnight Sun Run? Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.