General Questions
2025 - Thursday evening, June 19th
2026 - Thursday evening, June 18th
2027 - Thursday evening, June th
We have three different events, mind that some have an age limit.
Half marathon - 15 years and older.
10K - 12 years and older
5K - for all ages
The registration is open now. - Registration for next year's run will open the day after this years event.
Bib number, entry to Laugardalslaug Swimming pool after the run, all service and drinks during the event.
In Laugardalshöll Sports Hall, Engjavegur 8 in Reykjavik on race day from 16:30-21:00 (4:30 pm - 9:00 pm)
Yes, you can do so on "my page" on corsa.is before you pick up your bib number.
We state in our terms when you complete your purchase that no refunds or deferrals are made. You can transfer your ticket to another participant on "my page" on corsa.is
You can edit all your information on My page on corsa.is until the day before the event. After that you can talk to our staff at the resolution desk during race package pickup.
The shop is open on My page. We regularly add more products closer to the event, so we recommend checking the shop to see what is available.
You can return items that are not labeled with the event's logo before the event takes place, not after. You can exchange the sizes before the event by contacting us or see if we still have it in stock during race package pickup.
All merchandise is handed off on race day during race package pickup. If you forgot to pick up your item you can contact us and visit our offices on Engjavegur 6.
Now the shop is only available for those that have tickets. However, it might soon be open to the public.
The Run
The run starts at 21:00 (9 pm) - See the program for more details
The starting line is on Engjavegur in front of the Sportshall and ends in the walkway by Skautahöllin the Ice-skating Rink, only a few meters from the starting line.
We welcome all spectators, however only participants and staff are allowed in the start or finish area.
The timing will end at Midnight and staff will start to clear the course. Participants that cross the finish line after that will not receive their time and will be marked DNF or DSQ
No, there are no pacers however, there are staff members on bikes in front of the first runners and behind the last runner.
This run is certified by AIMS.
After the event
After the run, all finishers will get access to the final refreshment station. At the finish area you are also able to buy some food before you go to Laugardalslaug, the swimming pool for the Midnight Sun Run pool party.
The results are posted on our website and on corsa.is